Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Exam results

A week and one day until I get my results back for my exams and let me tell you, i am shitting myself!!!!!! i feel like i could ahev done soo much betted so i am kicking meyself. Oh well. I'll just have to wait and see.


So I've recently decided to take action on my beliefs and have joined the Peta2 street team. I have to say Its alot more fun that i would have imagined and I think its a great way to make a difference. I think everyone should pop over and have a look about the site.


Monday, 9 May 2011

7 down 5 to go.

Well i am now about half way through my exams so i will have a lot more time to write because the summer holidays are fast approaching. I don't have any more exams this week so i plan on spending the free time i have either studying or writing so you can expect at least one up date for all of my stories.

Kerri x 

Friday, 29 April 2011


I don't understand why these are so goddamn hard to do. Even when i finally get it, it sounds crap! I so badly want to play the guitar but right now i just want to throw the fucker of the wall and watch it smash into pieces .:P


GAH! Isn't this just the cutest?

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

My new Identity

My new picture or banner or what ever you call it for my fan fiction account Edward's Little Devil.

Saturday, 9 April 2011


Okay so it has come to my attention that I may have offended people in chapter two of The Donor when I brought up the subject of surrogacy. I want to let you know that I am deeply sorry for any offence I may have caused and I have removed what I said and have changed it. I am all for any treatments and ways to help people who are not able to naturally have a baby and I think everyone has the right to have a child. Again I am deeply sorry for offending people it truly not my intention.

This message will be removed when I post the next chapter.

Kerri xx  (Edward’s Little Devil)

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Exams :(

Well, I've go about 14 exams coming up in May so I don't know if I'll be writing as much as I want to but I'll try my best to get at least one chapter out for each story before my exams start incase I am unable to during. I just thought I would give you a heads up :D

Kerri xx

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

How Cute!

Found this picture and thought it was the cutest thing ever. So I desided to share it woth you :P

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Fan Fiction

Hey, I currently have two fan fiction .net accounts: Parawhore1 and Edward's Little Devil. I have, currently, three incomplete stories on the Parawhore account and a one shot and an incomplete story on my Edward's Little Devil account. i would love if you would go on and give them a go and leave me a comment. Thankx

Kerri xx